Extra Curricular Activities - Autumn 2024
Extra curricular activities are subject to change, depending on staff availability and other after school events such as parents consultation afternoons - students should check with departments and the pupil bulletin boards if they are unsure. The clubs run from 2.45pm to 4.00pm, there is no need to register (unless specified).
- Homework club - all years in LC1
- KS4 Orchestra Y10 & Y11
- Song writing & Composition - Y9
- Team Deutsch - Y7-Y9, Y12, Y13
- GCSE Maths Drop in - Y9-Y11
- Anime and Manga Club - W1
- Chess Club - W2
- Psychology Study Group -Y12/13
- Technology club - Y7
- Y7 Choir
- Whole school Production Y7-Y13
- KS3 Musical Y7-Y9
- Whole School Production
- Y9/10 Girls Handball
- Y10 Girls Netball
- Y8 Boys Football
- Y7-9 Basketball – Boys Week 1, Girls Week 2 (Start After Oct Half Term)
- Y7 Girls Netball
- Y9-11 Girls Football
- Y11 Boys Football
- Y7-9 Dance
- Competitive Swim
- KS3 Symphony Orchestra Y7-9
- Jazz Band - All year groups all grade 3+
- KS3 Drama Club Y7-Y9
- KS3 Musical Y7-Y9
- Whole School Production
- Data Analysis & Machine Learning Y12 & Y13
- Y10 Sports Leaders Training
- Girls Only Swim
- Homework club - all years in LC1
- Choir Y7-Y13
- Flute Choir Y7 -Y13
- Whole School Production
- STEM Club
- History Club
- Y13 Geography Drop in
- Geography Club Y7-11
- Post-16 Biology Intervention Y12 & 13
- GCSE Art Subject Catch Up Y10 & Y11
- English Drop In Session Y7-Y11
- Maths Problem Solving Club Y7-11
- Engineering Catch Up Y10 & Y11
- Product Design Catch Up Y10 & y11
- GCSE Engineering NEA Support sessions Y11
- GCSE Product Design NEA Support sessions Y11
- Philosophy Xtra Y12& Y13
- KS3 Musical Y7-Y9
- A Level Maths drop in Y12&13
- Y9/10 Boys Handball
- Y8/9 Girls Netball
- Y7 Boys Football
- Y11-13 Girls Netball
- Y12/13 Boys Football
- Y9-11 Boys Rugby
- Y9 Boys Football
- Y7/8 Mixed Table Tennis
- GCSE Dance
- Y10-11 German Catch-Up
- Homework club - all years in LC1
- Code Lab Y7-Y9
- Chemistry Clinic - Y12 & Y13
- String Orchestra - All string players Grade 3+
- Training Strings - Beginners - Grade 3 Y7-Y10
- Year 9 Drama
- Book Club - Y7 - Y11
- Global Gazette Y7 - Y11
- Warhammer Alliance - W1
- Boardgames and TCG Club -W2
- Creative Writing Club Y7, Y8 & Y9
- GCSE Food Catch Up Y11
- A-Level Art Subject Catch Up Y12&Y13
- GCSE Art Subject Catch Up
- Engineering Catch Up Y10 & Y11
- Product Design Catch Up Y10 & y11
- GCSE Engineering NEA Support sessions Y11
- GCSE Product Design NEA Support sessions Y11
- Science Competitions (dates to be confirmed)
- KS3 Musical Y7-Y9
- Whole School Production
- The Physics Workshop Y12 &Y13
- Y8/9 Girls Netball - Club
- Y7/8 Girls Handball
- All Years Mixed Badminton
- Y7/8 Girls Football
- Y7/8 Boys & Girls Rugby
- Y10 Boys Football
- All Years Mixed Hockey
- Homework club - all years in LC1
- Brass Ensemble Y7-Y13
- Y11 Band
- KS3 Musical Y7-Y9
- HIP-HOP Dance Y7-Y11
- Whole School Production
- Y7/8 Boys Handball