Welcome to the West Bridgford School.
As Headteacher, my role is to maintain a safe, caring community that provides challenge and support for all our learners – allowing them to enjoy learning and go on to reach their full potential, whatever that might be.
We have high expectations of ourselves, and of our students – of excellent teaching and learning, a culture of aiming high and the desire that we all exemplify our Core Values of Kindness, Respect and Determination.
We are KIND – because it is the right thing to do – because we also expect others to be kind to us
We are RESPECTFUL – we respect ourselves, we respect our friends, we respect the staff at school and we respect our environment
We are DETERMINED – we do our best and don’t give up
…and those things go together to help us all to be THE BEST WE CAN BE
Safeguarding is at the heart of our work in school; we believe that students who feel safe and secure are able to thrive and achieve. We are a very caring school and pride ourselves on having a strong and highly competent pastoral team. Each year group is led by a teacher in the post of Year Director, supported by a non-teaching Pastoral Assistant who are always on hand to support the students in our care.
We are very proud of our school – and of the students, parents and staff who make it so successful.
Post 16 Open Evening
7th November 2024
5:30pm - 7:30pm
The West Bridgford School Post 16 Centre are inviting all prospective Y12 Students to join us at our Post 16 Open Evening where you will be able to speak to staff and students, whilst touring our bespoke Post 16 Centre.
Please note there will be no parking available on site that night. Please park on local roads and be as considerate as possible to our neighbours when parking. We apologise for any inconvenience.