Christmas Carol Service
One of the highlights of the School Calendar is the Carol Service. The beautiful church of St Giles (by the Police Station) houses such a memo-rable event every year with around 150 students from across the age groups (and a few staff to boot!) This year there will be the usual readings (Christian and secular), along with excellent performances by the Drama students as well as music by the Or-chestra, Jazz Group, String Ensemble, Flute Choir, Brass Group and, this year, a joint performance by the stu-dents and staff choirs of a wonderful song called ‘Bethlehem’ (funny name for a Christmas piece!)
The event on Monday 17th December starts at 6.30pm and will last until around 7.45pm. Please resist the temptation to ‘drop the kids off’; if you’ve never been to see this specta-cle, or even if your children are not involved, you will be particularly wel-come. The church is usually packed, so arrive early (from 6pm) for a good seat! There is no charge to get in to the church, but there will be a retiring collection for a local charity, so please be willing to pay to get out!