The West Bridgford School

Progress Reports

The school operates a system of ‘Progress Reports’ which will track your child’s progress against national targets from Year 7 to Year 13 and each group receives three Progress Reports per academic year. When viewing your child’s report, be aware that the ‘Base Target’ is set using prior-attainment based on national data, while the ‘Aspirational Target’ is decided in school using the judgement of the teacher and data we hold on your child. The ‘Aspirational Target’ will always be above the ‘Base Target’.

For each Progress Report staff produce ‘Predicted Grades’ after considering your child’s marks, their work habits and their own professional judgement, to make a prediction of what grade your child will attain at the end of the Key Stage. The report will show all previous predictions for the year so, as the year progresses, you will be able to see if performance is improving or declining. The system differs slightly in Years 7 and 8, compared to Years 9,10 and 11.

In Year 7 and 8 students will be described as ‘Below Target’, ‘On Target’ or ‘Above Target’ in their predicted grade column. In Year 9, 10 and 11 however, numbers are used for predicted grades. As an example, a child with a ‘Base Target’ of a grade ‘7’ by the end of KS4, who receives a ‘7’ ‘Predicted Grade’ in every report in Year 10 and 11, is exactly ‘On Target’

Predicted grades show ‘traffic light’ colours (based on “over”, “on” or “below” Base Targets), to give an ‘at a glance’ overview of the report.

To watch a 10-minute video, introducing Year 7 and 8 parents to the school Progress Reports please click here.

Reports also record “Attitude to Learning” and “Independence”.  These are graded on a “1 to 5” scale and extensive notes relating to these grades can be found below.

Attitude to Learning and Independence.








Below the expected level of a WBS student
The expected level for a WBS student
Above the expected level of a WBS student


Attitude to Learning
Negative Attitude to Learning. 
Restricts the learning of others. 
Has negative impact on class or team discussion.
Openly disrespectful towards staff and peers.
Requires constant intervention to produce work.
Often produces work well below minimum expectations, due to lack of effort.
Does not respond to reminders of expectations of care and effort in presentation of work.
Reasonably compliant Attitude to Learning.
Avoids contributing to class discussion.
Passive in work with peers.
Can speak over staff and peers.
Requires some intervention to produce work in class.
Completes a minimum amount of work to avoid sanction.
Requires regular reminders over expectations of care and presentation of work.
Positive Attitude to Learning.  Contributes to discussion when prompted.
Active in work with peers.
Is respectful to staff and peers.
Produces work at the expected standard.
Work is presented with care and effort.
Active and engaged with learning.
Always contributes to discussion.
Works well with a variety of groups.
Is respectful and shows empathy to staff and peers.
Work produced is often above expectation.
Work is carefully completed and shows a wide range of well implemented skills.
Highly active and engaged with learning.
Able to lead discussion.
Demonstrates well developed leadership qualities in groups.
Is highly respectful and shows intelligent empathy to staff and peers.
Work produced consistently challenges expectation.
Work is carefully completed and shows a wide range of well implemented skills.
No Homework or homework is regularly of a poor quality.
Misses most deadlines.
Often forgets to bring PE kit.
Often late to lessons. Relies on peers or teacher for equipment.
Avoids providing responses to improvement targets set by staff.
Completes some homework and/or this is of a limited quality.
Misses deadlines.
Sometimes forgets to bring PE kit.
Sometimes late to lessons.
Often missing some equipment.
Struggles to respond to targets for improvement via staff feedback.
Completes homework to a good standard.
Meets deadlines.
Always brings PE kit.
Arrives promptly to lessons.
Normally equipped and ready to learn.
Can respond to targets for improvement via staff feedback.
Completes all homework to a good standard and often adds additional information.
Produces all work by deadlines and looks for extensions.
Arrives promptly to lessons.
Plans ahead and is always equipped and ready to learn.
Independently aware of own strengths and weaknesses.
Completes homework beyond expectations and/or seeks opportunities to complete additional work.
Seeks independent challenges in their work.
Arrives promptly to lessons.
Prepares for lessons by reading around the subject.  Aware of own strengths and weaknesses and takes practical steps to correct weaknesses.